Friday, December 2, 2011

Spanish Verb Conjugation Practice

When thinking about the best ways to practice conjugating Spanish verbs, most students instantly think of verb tables and exercise books. The repetitive conjugating of verbs in a written format can get a little tedious. Have a look at the following video of how to conjugate "ser" in the preterite:

Now after learning the conjugations the next stage would be to do some exercises. This is great for initial practice but it doesn't help in terms of being able to conjugate a verb instantly when speaking. To really learn how to conjugate verbs you need to be able to do Spanish verb conjugation practice while speaking, or while doing some verb drills that mimic speaking situations.

The first obvious way that comes to mind is to just put yourself out there and speak. When you're speaking you're constantly conjugating, and if you're constantly conjugating, you're constantly practicing. There is some danger that the practice you undertake isn't perfect practice as you aren't focusing on certain verbs or tenses and instead are getting some good general practice.

To really target specific verbs and make some rapid improvements then you need to get a conjugator to do some verb drills. This is my favorite type of Spanish verb conjugation practice as it is both very effective and a lot of fun at the same time. Finding a conjugator with audio is so important and this must be at the top of your list when it comes to purchasing one. There are free options available but these make the practice just like doing exercises in a book.

I hope this post has helped you in terms of giving you the ability to go away and do some great Spanish verb conjugation practice.

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